Green Practices


1. Title of the Practice: Green Practices

2. Objective of the Practices:

  •  To reduce pollution and create a positive impacton environment.
  •  To protect biodiversity for the well- being of nature which helps people to lead a healthy and serene life.
  • To protect environment andsustain its natural resources forpresent and future generation.

3. TheContext:

The Catastrophic problems of pollution unchecked lead to harmfuleffect on environment. It affects bio-diversity and well-being of nature. Ourcollege is located at the out of the town, Near Police Station, Puttur-Chittoor Road, Karvetinagaram.  Our campus is spread over an area of nearly 5 acres with requisite features to make it as a green campus.

4. The Practice:

Keepingthe above context in view, our college initiates environmental friendly practices such as usage of public transport, maintaining the college campus plastic free, reducing paper usage and more plantations in college campus.

  • .Both students and staff are instructed to get reusable water bottles and reusable lunch boxes. Thus, restricting them from getting single use items and make sure that all waste goes to the garbage bins. The college conducts rallies and sensitization programs to bring awareness among public health hazards caused due to the usage of plastics.
  • As the world is digitalized, paperless methods are adapted by communicating circulars through e mail and what’s app. This approach curtails the usage of paper.
  • Instead of using paper flowers and plastic flowers, we use natural flower bouquets. It’s an eco- friendly act.
  • Our college NSS students participated indifferent tree plantation programsin the college campus.They also participated in Clean and Green programs in our college.

5. Evidence of Success:

       Our  green pollution free college campus is itself an evidence of success.

6. Problems encountered and Resources required:

 Practically, there are great problems to follow the above green practices like usage of public transport, paper, and maintenance of plastic free college campus.