ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning, ICT or information and Communications technology (or technologies), is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing. The present curricula for ICT in education aim at realizing the goals of the National Policy of ICT in Schools Education and the National Curriculum Framework. The college has a uniquely conceived mission to provide a unique socio-economic status to the graduate students. The main objective of this practice is ensuring the students to learn prescribed curriculum with very effective way to get the knowledge. College has improved the ICT based facility in teaching and learning process stepwise in last five years. The goal of information and communication technology is to fulfill the gap between traditional method and innovative method of teaching and learning.
Required tools for Information and CommunicationTechnology based teaching learning is made available with, computers,LCD projectors (4),Smart Boards(4),internet(with80Mbps Speed),Wi-Fi,G-Suit, etc.Power point presentations on different topics are prepared by faculty members of their respective subjects. They delivered the lectures through PPT's. Online teaching is being also continuously performing from Covd-19 pandemic period through webcam by using G-Suit, Teachment, Google meet, etc.Many of the classes carried on mobile set through Google meet,when work from home was allotted.
The College has adequate IT facility including Wi-Fi for strengthening the teaching and learning process. The college is equipped with 100 computers, useful software with an antivirus protection.All the members of teaching faculty up-dated in technology based teaching during the last five years. Recently in Covid-19 pandemic period they learned about online teaching. Teachers became capable to handle the software's and create the online class through G-Suit and Google meet.
Academic Year 2024-25 |
Academic Year 2023-24 |
Academic Year 2022-23 |
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