Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting


Rainwater harvesting is an important environment friendly approach. It is a Green Practice having double benefit of keeping the groundwater level undisturbed and charging the aquifer. Rainwater and run-off water, stored in a planned way, can save the earth from soil erosion and flood and recharge the aquifers to increase the groundwater level. The extensive and unplanned use of groundwater has not only disturbed the natural water level but also has made the groundwater contaminated and unfit for use. Collecting and harvesting rainwater and run-off water would reserve the water for future generation. Rainwater harvesting is eco-friendly and economical. The cost of digging a catchment area can be saved by roof-top collection of rainwater. The catchments and settlement tanks reduce the ground heat and act as a natural cooler. The best part of the practice of rainwater harvesting, is that if unused, this water can be collected in natural ponds or artificial tanks and decanted to the ground thus charging the a aquifer.


To increase recharge of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater, by rainwater harvesting from rooftop run-offs. Rainwater harvesting is one of the best method fulfilling those requirements as it increases the ground water level. Rainwater harvesting pit and ground water recharging system is constructed in our College  near bore well point.


Rainwater Harvesting is a simple technique of catching and holding rainwater where it falls. Either, we can store it in tanks or we can use it to recharge groundwater depending upon the situation and requirement. Ease in constructing system in less time. Economically cheaper in construction compared to other sources, i.e. dams, diversion, etc. Rainwater harvesting is the ideal situation for those areas where there is inadequate groundwater supply or surface resources. Helps in utilizing the primary source of water and prevent the runoff from going into sewer or storm drains, thereby reducing the load on treatment plants

Methods Adopted in the College to recharge GroundWater:

In order to promote artificial ground water recharge through rainwater harvesting structures from roof topare as with recharge pit is provided over and across the premises.

  A recharge Pit allows the rain water to replenish ground water by recharging the underground acquires. It can be built to recharge a bore well or just to help the water in filtration in an area.

College has installed 1 rain harvesting pit in the college campus during the month of August,2021.

The common Procedure to construct the pitinvolves a 4stage Process:

Stage1: Digging a pit with required dimensions

Stage2: Filling the3/4thofthe pitwith blackstone which does not absorb any water.

 Stage3:Constructing Cement Rings around the pit

Stage4: Filling up the remaining¼th of the pit with 30mm metal stone.